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Authors: Jaya, Sampurna
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: The work on the Chambal Project was started in 1953. The main storage dam is Gandhi Sagar and a diversionary barrage at Kota together with the principal canals were constructed and irrigation was started in year 1960 but project construction was completed in 1971. The project was scheduled to provide full benefits by 1968. Very shortly after the commencement of irrigation, the Chambal Command faced many problems and irrigation potential could not be utilized as planned. Agriculture production in Chambal project area has not increased as envisaged at the time of construction of the irrigation project. This dissertation work was taken up with the following objectives: D Analysis of agroclimatic characteristics of the command area as relevant to irrigated agriculture. Analysis of changes in cropping pattern and growth of irrigation water demand over different period. > Analysis of irrigation demand and water utilization. The main findings of the study are: 1. Monthly rainfall in the command area have high coefficient of variability in all months (more than 80 %). 2. The area is classified as semi and with moderately deficit moisture availability. Rice and sugarcane crops are not suitable for the area. These . high water consuming crops should not be grown in the command area. 3. Design cropping patterns have been revised several times having been influenced by actual development of cropping pattern. Actual cropping pattern as witnessed iii over the past 40 years also show wide variation. It is necessary to critically examine such wide variation. Target crop areas are high but actual achievement are low. 4. The area under paddy and sugarcane have not achieved design target. Sorghum and maize have disappeared in recent years. Kharif cropping pattern has shown major short full in entire span of 40 years. Wheat area has shown rising trend from 1993-1994 onward, Soyabean in kharif and mustard in rabi are the major oilseed crops showing rising trend from 1982-1983 to 1993-1996 but declining afterward. 5. With change in cropping pattern, irrigation water demand has also been changing. ❑ Water demand in recent years has significantly increased in all months particularly in rabi season. o Whereas RBC has adequate canal capacity, the capacity of LBC is found to be inadequate mainly in October. o Compared to available design capacity of RBC, the demand has been significantly low resulting in poor utilization of capacity. 6. Water availability at Kota barrage is governed by releases from upstream "carry over" reservoir. These releases are according to power generation schedule. Low water utilization in kharif and spillage occurring downstream of Kota barrage suggest that in certain critical months of kharif season (May,June) water available at Kota barrage is not as per irrigation requirement particularly in RBC resulting in decrease in paddy area.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Bairathi, V. K.
Chaube, U. C.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (WRDM)

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