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dc.contributor.authorDe, Sandip-
dc.guideGhosh, Sanjay K.-
dc.description.abstract3D Information System is one of the latest trends in the area of Geographic Information System to study the spatial features of any area. It is increasingly becoming a key element in mainstream 3D geospatial applications with some of the more popular usages being urban planning, environmental monitoring, noise propagation simulations, public rescue operations, landscape planning, and flood simulations. While 2D data continues to be useful in a variety of GIS applications however, by adding the third dimension dramatically increases the information content of a model in both geometric and semantic sense. 3D visualization helps in virtual realization of real world and allows decision makers to identify optimum course of planning actions. With the ever-growing rise in population, presently urban areas are undergoing large expansion. Traditional ground based mapping techniques are no more convenient to provide updated maps and information regarding the changes taking place. The emerging technology of GPS, Remote Sensing combined with the technology of GIS has greatly revolutionized the mapping techniques. The integration of these geomatics tools for mapping has greatly increased the accuracy and reliability, reduced project completion time, improved overall map quality and has made it easy to quickly and efficiently update maps of remote, inaccessible locations. In view of these significant developments in the field of remote sensing technology, especially in terms of increased spatial resolution has resulted in a greater demand for very large-scale maps for various applications like urban land use, cadastral survey, infrastructure and utility maps etc. The essential advantage of modem GIS is that all the functionality for working with multiple sets of geographic information can be grouped and automated within one piece of software. The idea of making GIS data available for analysis tasks on the Internet has motivated the development of Web Geographic Information Systems (Web-GIS). The use of Web-GIS makes geographic information available to larger audiences than conventional desktop GIS. This allows real-time access to GIS data for all users that need it. Web-GIS have been used in practically large context to real-time disaster management, decision support system, environmental monitoring, noise propagation simulations etc. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee campus area has seen tremendous changes in its landscape since the college was established in 1847. The campus has been surveyed several times in past with both traditional and modem geomatics tools. However, the GIS data are scattered over several departments, varying scale, different map projection systems, file formats, taxonomy, accuracy etc. The objective of this study is to construct a GIS based 3D Information System database of the various information on the ground related to different types of land use. The 2008 survey map has been used as the base map and the changes thereafter have been collected either through a GPS or from Google Earth. Using Overlaying analysis, the new built-up areas have been added and the old land use has been modified in these areas accordingly. 3D Information System has been made available on Web for online real-time access of 3D GIS data. The 3D Information System of IIT Roorkee campus area would be useful in immense 3D GIS based analysis related to planning, construction and maintenance activities.en_US
dc.typeM.Tech Dessertationen_US
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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