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Authors: Gupta, Sushil Kumar
Issue Date: 1978
Abstract: Radial strip triangulation methods conerato supplemontr, control in planimotry• Por inecceasiblo and mountainoou° region° opatial aerial trir culation is proferrod to ground survey motbode but in flat ore ao when) plenicatry cccurccy Jo tho main ob4octive radial triangulation is moat 'armful. Analytical Rel. al WI angulatiott procoduroo are gaining more and more importt3nco ao sufficient ccourcey can be obtained for plotting of topographic map° of the area having low topo-graphy« Alas control points obtained by radial tri 031 gulation can bo used to obtain rectified photographs. And if tho photography is good direct trco ng method° ot:n give good mein; of ouch areas' The present inveotigation have boon carried out to make a comparative study of the analytical radial tricauplation procedures. In introduction and juotifications for enalytioal method° is givon• Chapter I of tho section I, briefly, deals with the roviett trorir pertaining to various available mothodo of planimotric trimaulation, Chapter II gives working details of Dome selected r3othodo proposod for invostigationo• Chapter III outline° the dotal° of investigation° carried out. Ch Ater IV gives the trialyolo of recruit° old conolualono atti come r000mendationa for further work. The acoursci,ao cchieved ore in favour of Variation of coordin/fratesAngte method. The vnrintion of coordinates Direction method requires further perfection and the Triplet method roquires certain modifications in computer promborming» The computer programeo developed by author are given in Appendix
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Badjatia, R. C.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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