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Authors: Borkar, Piyush J.
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: The need of energy conservation has assumed paramount importance due to the rapid growth of process industries causing substantial energy consumptions in chemical operations. And this has made pathway to conservation of energy which can be affected through process and machinery modifications and implementation of technological advancements relating to process optimization as well as development of newer methods to meet the challenge of substantial energy saving in different industries. Thus, there is a necessity for replacing the conventional methods by the latest processes which will lead to considerable savings in terms of energy, money and time. Global energy crisis, as well as high cost of fuels resulted in more activities to conserve energy to maximum extent. The Clean Development mechanism (CDM) is an arrangement under the Kyoto protocol allowing industrialised countries with a greenhouse gas reduction commitment (called Annex 1 countries). To invest in projects that reduces emissions in developing countries as an alternative to more to more expensive emission reduction in their own countries. The CDM allows industrialized nations to reduce net global greenhouse gas emissions at much lower cost by financing emission reducing projects in developing countries. Global energy crisis, as well as high cost of fuels resulted in more activities to conserve energy to maximum extent. The chemical industries like Iron and Steel, Sugar industries, Pulp and Paper industries, Petrochemicals Industries, Textiles Industries, and Cement Industries are the major energy consuming industries which leads to high amount of carbon emission. The dissertation report mostly emphasis on Energy Efficiency and GHGs Emission Reduction Opportunities in energy intensive industries: Pulp and Paper Industry. The latest technologies mostly in Pulping, Stock preparation, Recovery, Steam Generation, and Paper machine section are energy conservative which eventually results in reduction of carbon emission. Also the projects like methane mitigation helps to reduce the fossil fuel consumption in pulp and paper industry.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Kumar, Vivek
Sharma, Chhaya
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Paper Tech)

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