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Authors: Bhardwaj, Deepak
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: Pollution control is vital for a nation as the quality of life is linked with the quality of environment. In country like ours with a developing economy, can the objectives be achieved by only passing legislations and fixing broad and general standards. The problem is acute and complex for a vast country like India, each mill having its own problems and limitations. It has been emphasized that the mode of treatment and disposal of an effluent from an ' individual unit should specially be chosen taking in to consideration all factors like location, process, economical conditions, land availability, the condition of receiving water source and other possible modes like for those needed for agricultural use etc., rather than the insistence on a particular quality of an effluent. Pollution control regulations are a right step in the direction to regulate industry to meet their obligations towards society. A clean and healthy environment is vital for the survival and welfare of the human being. In view of the implementation being capital intensive, it is however ensured that the growth of the industry is not hampered and iS +got' economy affected adversely. The laying down of regulations and formulation of the standards is essential but their true implementation has to be practical and in a phased way taking into consideration the relevant factors involved. It is due to this that several countries are either not keen or very slow in following religiously anti pollution regulations. In spite of many countries having anti pollution legislation in some form or the other, only few made progress in translating their legislation effectively. Industrial projects have profound influence on society and environment, resulting in benefits, risks and hazards. They bring in their wake the concomitant ills of environmental pollution, depletion of resources, over crowding, effects on human health, desecration of forests and aesthetic nuisance. Adverse impact on environment results because of indiscriminate and unregulated exploitation of both renewable and nonrenewable resources in the environment, and the use and abuse of environment as a sink for dumping the waste products of developmental activities. India is on the threshold of development. During this critical period, an environmentally compatible development need be evolved. An analysis and assessment of the environmental impacts arising out of..............
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Tyagi, C. H.
Dutt, Dharm
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Paper Tech)

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