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Authors: Smamsuddin, K.
Issue Date: 1967
Abstract: The first photogrammetric lens called Normal angle lens with sn angular coverage of 600 are distortion free and resolution was as ,mod .60. lines per mm. Yet the photogrammetrists were not satisfied with its coverage, is the coverage is directly related to economy and aeeuraels Thus came wide angle lenses with angular coverage Of VP. This gave three times more• area •COverage with slight distortion (.01 mm) which is within tolerable limits. Photogrammstrists were still dissatisfied with the area coverage of wide angle photographs, thus in 1086, came super.wide angle lenses with angular coverage about 120°, thus Increasing the area eoverage to three times of that of wide angle lens coverage. Today all thephotogrammetric unite of the world use wide angle photographs and wide angle plotters and Ulan** latlon instruments. For the super wide angle photographs the wild has produced Ag a triangulation instrument and Bg a plotter. Today the photogrammetrists are reluctant to use supmr.wide angle photographs as they are not well aware Of its accuracy and its potentialities to use in various fields. In this thesis, it is proposed i) to make 8 detailed comparative study of the above mentioned three types of lenses in view of the require. ments of a good lens• 11) to study in detail the design and construr tion detail* of the new series of instruments required for superwide angle photographs and draw a comparison with the A7 and A8 required for wide angle photograPhY. ill) to study the effect of super wide angle photographs on the triangulation, methods. (Aeropolygon aneAnalytieal and semi-analytical) and plotting methods. iv) To study the impact of super wide angle photography on error propogation laws and conclude whether error prop°. getion law is in favour of super wide angle photogremns try or not. to study the general and specificapplication of =Per wide angle photographs in various fielda« vi) to study accuracy and economY sehlelible In superwiie angle photography and draw a comparison with the aecu racy and economy achievable in wide angle photography..• v to predict the future of superawide angle photogramne try in view of ell Its merits and demerits in comparison with wide angle hotogrammet
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Shahani, P. B.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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