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Authors: Jain, Kesri Saran
Issue Date: 1966
Abstract: An attempt has been made to present the various studies carried out on laterally loaded single vertical pile with a critical review of their possible applications to analysis and design to various cases that are encountered in present day foundation engineering practice. These studies have been compiled in a logical form in order to find out the application of the subject to the design of laterally loaded piles, so that the design method follows the actual behaviour of the pile to the close. The elastic, inelastic and the ultimate load analyses of long piles have been presented with due consider-ation given to the linear and non-linear behaviour of the soils. Expressions have been written with fundamental assumptions and limitations of these methods, with various conclusions drawn regarding the behaviour of piles. A beam-column method has been added by the author to consider the effect of axial load on piles along with the lateral load. Considering the modern developments in numerical techniques, computer analysis and experimental techniques, the subject has been rearranged so that the scope of further work may widen. The effect of the length of pile has been studied, and the analysis of rigid pile has been presented so that the results may be useful, into day to day work. iv Experimental studies carried out so far in support of various analyses of piles, soil behaviour and safety of structure have been presented in details along with conclusions. These conclusions so derived from studies have been presented with suggestions for further research work to be carried out in this field
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Harkauli, A. N.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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