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Authors: Khanna, S. Suresh
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: The power scenario in the country in the last ten years had been facing shortage of power in many regions through out the year. The shortage of power has a cascading effect on the industrial production and consequently the economic development of the country. Hence energy conservation is the foremost talk of the day and efforts are to bring down the power consumption in the view of present supply / demand position. Even though there is awareness is to use energy optimally, in industries. Barriers like, lack of priority, lack of finance, prevent work being done towards optimization of energy. The aim of this project is to study. the potential for energy conservation measures in an integrated Pulp and Paper Industry without affecting production, yield or quality. Attempts are made to systematically analyze the mill operations from technical aspects and came out with the specific suggestions for improving the performance of the mill with respect to energy use. The proposed study is related to Pulp mill and Chemical recovery sections, The methodology adopted for achieving the results, as follows: ❑ Understand the present plant operation and benchmark current operational levels. ❑ Compares the results to the original design and understand reasons for variance. ❑ Carry out engineering studies to determine how to overcome the limitations. ❑ Evaluates some of the options for improvement and workout its feasibility. Engineering study are carried out in Pulp mill and Chemical recovery sections as, ci Effect of reducing the steam demand in digester house by two stage of digester steaming. ❑ Improvement of system performance of blovi heat recovery system of digester house. ❑ Effect of increasing production capacity of digester by proper cooking schedule. ❑ Controlling the crystallization of salts in black liquor evaporation and increasing system availability. ❑ Effect of increasing steam economy of evaporation by feed of liquor to 4th effect. ❑ Effect of increasing steam generation in recovery boiler by indirect heating of liquor to firing temperature and by adding spent acid as crystals from C102 plant as make-up salt. ❑ Effect of reducing steam demand by recovering of smelt dissolving tank vapor. ❑ Effect of reducing steam demand by recovering boiler blow down and air preheater condensate tank flash vapor recovery. Effect of reducing the pumping energy by minimizing the cooling water flow to surface condenser. ❑ Effect of reducing furnace oil consumption in limekiln burner by using high intensity magnetic field. o Increase in power generation by modification of cogeneration system. u Enhance energy economy with new technological options
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Rao, N. J.
Kumar, Ram
Babu, V. S. S. Kanna
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Paper Tech)

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