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Authors: Tachyan, Endang PiPin
Issue Date: 1982
Abstract: Although the design and construction of concrete dams underwent many alterations by way of improvement and intro-duction of new techniques, still there has been a definite trend toward construction of embankment dams in preference to concrete dam because of adaptability of former type to less favourable site conditions. Also, the concrete dams • are non competitive, in cost, as compared to the construction of embankment dams._x000D_ One of the suggestion for affecting a reduction in the cost associated with mass concrete construction is the use of earthrnoving equipment for transporting, placing, spreading, and compacting the concrete, This . new technique firstly was introduced in the construction of Alpe Gera Dam (Italy,1964 )._x000D_ The proposed method, thence called as a roller compacted concrete or rolled concrete, comprises placement of low cement no-slump concrete in thin layers compacted by vibratory roller in continuous series of operation without the interruption and discontinuity of conventional shuttered transverse and contrac-tion joints. The roller compacted concrete can be placed as hearting or central core between upstream and downstream fac-ings provided eith( r by conventional form work, slip formed method, or precast block concrete._x000D_ (iv )_x000D_ in this dissertation, the construction technique required for placement along with the equipment needed, mix proportion-ing, temperature and crack control measures required for rolled_x000D_ concrete, are discussed and various factors resulting in_x000D_ overall economy, are enumerated. In addition, some case studies are also included in this dissertation.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Goel, M. C.
Chauhan, Gopal
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (WRDM)

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