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Authors: Garg, Mayank
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: Most ofthe paper produced is printed. Besides wiriting and printing-papers, news-print, packaging papers and boards are printed by one means or the other. Therefore the paper maker should know about the behaviour of paper under various printing condi-tion. Inspite of the extensive research wprk carried out in this area, the relationships between morphological structure ofpaper making fibers, physical properties tested in a laboratory and its performance in a printing press are not very well estab-lished. Printability evaluation of papers, thus, generally involve .actual printing of the paper. Ink-paper relationships involving inktrausfer characteristi ;cs, print density, opt!= cally covered area and show through are critical aspects in the evaluation of printability. Many authors' have discussed various ink transfer parameters to study the printabilit3 ofpapers. The present work was intended to study these parameters in order to evaluate ink transfer, print density and show through for various types of pulps under a set o: printing conditions. Chapter 1 of this thesis deals with the introduction to the present work Chapter gives an review of literature in this area. Chapter 3 deals with experimental work and the procedure for printing experiments. For three types ofpulps hand made sheets, inculudinj one mill made bagasse paper were examined in the present work. The results and dis. cussion of the results are given in chapter 4. The conclusions drown form these discus-sions are given in chapter 5
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Singh, S. P.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Paper Tech)

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