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Authors: Singh, Bipin Bihari
Issue Date: 1974
Abstract: aydrogon reduction of terrcas chloride and r.zc d chlorides (ccsisting flit Cr, o ) is of coscidorablo .nfiortst as a post .blo reans of producing .moo cod it oa1ey poudero tei a technical. scale in a form suitable for poudor notaU urgys The reduction of ferrous eblo .do by ttrdZogC tTas used by Poli got DoZo than a hundred ycazs ago to produce high purity iron. Interest in ceohaninii and hinotics of this roacticii has been rono od duo to the roccnt development by the Research Council of Alberta of n industrial. process for leaching low grade iron ores in hdro chior acid and roducin9 ferrous oblorido by hydrogen to produce iron potidor of high purity. In prosent invosttgation an attempt has boon nudo to study the effects of temporaturo, porosity and Bogen ,o r rate on rate of ro<uctico of ferrous chloride and only the effect, of tc c ature in ease of t i rod chlorides cxid to find out the uochanism Bch Is pre va3. t in tho reduction prooe:is. This thesis has boon divided into four chapters Chapter I doa s with g oral introduction, advantages of poudor co ..ur and specially of Lmydrootaflurgical aotbod of ponder production. IV Chapter II includes 1itoxaturo roiriei and deals ucuafly 4th the the nodrnartos, mochoni n and kinetics of reducti tooth *rich factors affecting the rate of , reduction. Chapter I gives the description of a=. erimontal cot up and prcccd a foUoued in the precont im ostig ' tion and proceduro followed 'in the present Investigation Kinetics data were obtained by tbervoravimotr1c technique, que, Chapter IV constituted the results obtained from etperinonts carried out and a dtSCU 31On on them* It is found that reduction of iron .xed chlorides CZ7$taiM takes place topohcuttcruilr. The increase In temperature Increases the rate of reductI . The nature of reduction of ferrous chloride and mixed chlorides Is siUar. 'roaenca of ions increase the rate of reduction Ubereac Czp-'1 lone decrease it
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Gupta, S. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (MMD)

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