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Authors: Kumar, Prakash
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: In modern era people travel more frequently. They used trains and buses to reach their destination. Train and buses which is used to run for local distance have a passenger more than their capacity so a big percentage of passenger travel in standing position. It is very common in local trains ,buses and metro where people travel for 10 min to 1 hours. This has resulted in increased number of people getting affected by whole-body vibrations during transportation. These vibrations are known to have effects such as sensory responses like comfort and discomfort, interference in activities, injuries and health issues. In this condition noise and vibration present in vehicle affect physiological parameter of human such as blood pressure, heart rate ,pulse rate and respiration rate. Human response to vibration is very complex and nonlinear in nature. The objective of the present study is to observe the Effect on Physiological parameters (pulse rate, blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate and HRV) of human body under low frequency vibration and noise in standing position. So in the present study the realistic condition has been arranged for the experimentation and experiment has been carried out. Vibration simulator give required magnitude and frequency of vibration. There is also a provision for controlling noise, temperature and humidity as per the requirements. It is investigated that 5- 10 Hz is very critical frequency range for human body, because most of the resonance band of human body lies within this range. Resonance band of Arm, shoulder gridle and abdominal mass/ chest (5-10 Hz) and spinal column (10-12 Hz). So readings has been taken at 5 and 10 Hz. Generally passengers are exposed to Vibration in Latera and Vertical direction. so two directions has been taken in the present study. Vibration magnitude kept fixed at 0 ms 2, 0.6ms 2 and 1.2ms 2 rms noise level is taken as 55 dB ,70 dB and 85 dB LAeq. At this condition experiment are performed and bio signals are recorded with the help of Biopac instrument and blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate and pulse rate are measured. Noise condition is measured by CESVA sound level meter. When experiment is completed the results has been used to trained neural artificial neural network (ANN) to predict the physiological changes in body due to different noise and vibration condition. Analysis of data reveals that larger physiological changes occur when human body goes from no vibration condition to vibration condition, in comparison to the case when body goes from lower vibration to higher vibration condition.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Harsha, S. P.
Saran, V. H.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (MIED)

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