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dc.contributor.authorPillai, M. K. G.-
dc.guideSambamurthy, M. K.-
dc.guideChandra, Brijesh-
dc.description.abstractEnergy in all forms is a primary input to any economic activi';y and development of this sector is vitally important in building of a wodrrn economy in any d~3v loping country. Among the various forms of -energy , electricity has become the most important to a community. Being an oxtrenely versai-i.le and conveni~=nt form of energy, it pervades all walks of human life and to-day, it has become the most essential building block for the progress of humanity. The fact that the consumption of electricity in the country grew at an average annual rate of 11.5% during the period 1955-54 to 1970-71 compared to the direct consumption of coal f.nd oil by ultimate consumers, which grow at an annual rat of 3.5 and 8.6% respectively, would cl:-.-arly show the growing importance of eloctrici+y in the energy economy of the country. The recent oil crisis would t~nd to increase the dependence of our economy on electricity further. In this context, it is imperative that power development fin, Ind is :should receive special att:.-girt ion. The importarco of developing the energy sector, particularly the electricity supply industry, has bu :u r : cogni sock in all our plans and our progr:-=ss in th c: ; fields has been substantial. On the -Il .ctricit;y. side our installed generating c apac i ; y . hati been incr asod 9-fold since the o;dv: nt of planned development" and to-day electricity is available in most parts of the country. Wbi1& we can be proud of our achie-vemonts, we cannot bn complacent as w ar^ yet to r move: imbalance in electricity supply among the various States/ Regions of the country and w^ have to ensure that the spectre of shortag es which we have been witnessing lately do not recur and stifle our economic activities and growth. We have also to sot our sights on rapidly increasing the per capita availability of electricity, which is at present 1 D per cent of i; he world average and about 0.75 per cent in comparison with Norway, the maximum in the world..en_US
dc.subjectTIDAL POWERen_US
dc.typeM.Tech Dessertationen_US
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (WRDM)

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