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Authors: Kumar, Ajit
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Fire is a major risk for the safety of buildings. The STawn Ferry fire and other incidents have made evident that a fire might occur within all parts of a NPP_ The fires may develop differently from a fire in a conventional building as usually no smoke removal systems are at hand and the Fire detection and fire fighting become much more difficult than in common industrial buildings, resp_ Since quite a number of years serious efforts have been made to further reduce -the risk of fires in NPPs e_g_ by avoiding or at least minimizing any fire load, by a consequent separation of redundant systemise by additional fire insulation& for components and cables, by installing automatic fire suppression systems wherever useful and possible and by improved computational predictions of the eventual fire impacts on the whole s •stem. An experiment is done to calculate the different burning characteristics of diCfercut solid materials used in a room_ The different characteristics calculated consist of burning rate, heat release rate, temperatures at diflererst heights of the flame, flame height, flame velocity and incident hest flux at different points. The data obtained inay be used in design for fire safety measures_ The solid materials used for the analysis includes packaging wood, PMMA (Perspex) sheet and cables of different diameters. An experimental setup was prepared for the experiment and the materials Were burnt and different correlations Were used to calculate different data from the obtained data CFD simulation of the oxperiment was also done using fire specific CFD software. The software used was Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS) prepared by National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIS'I _ The results obtained from the CFD simulation were found to be in good match with the experimental data. 9
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Kumar, Ravi
Gupta, Askhilesh
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (MIED)

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