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Authors: Iyengar, R. Narasimha
Issue Date: 1972
Abstract: Surkhi-lime mortar i s one of the types of mortars which is being uced for the construction of darns, onecuta, aqueducts, bridges etc. Even during the nineteenth century there are instances like the Upper Ganga Canal works in Utter Pradesh, Vat ivilas Sager darn in Mysore State* where surkhi lime mortar has been used for the construction of masonry. trkhi" ime concrete has also been found to be in use occasionally ly for the foundation of certain buildings. The raw materials lime and euxkht which occur in. nature øre + dely varying in quality and therefore the mortar prepared from them vies considerably in quality. Ever since the inception of the use of sur hi lime mortar and concrete for construction, many studies have been carried out on them by Engineers and Researchers for find-ing their strength characteristics and the qualities of the raw materials rem, red for preparation of mortar and concrete. The author of this dissertation has also conducted some studies on aurkhi-line mortar and a paper titled "strength Characteristics of airkhi Mortar" prepared by him was discussed at the 32nd. dual Research Coirdttee Meeting held in May 1963 at Qotacamund. Based on the available literature on the subject the dissertation is written. The scope of the dissertation is to review the studies carried out so far. In the beginning,, the subject of the dissertation is introduced. Then the dissertation is dealt- in three parts. Part I deals with the "Strength Characteristics of $urkhi-lime Mortar".. In the Chapters i in d. 2 of the dissertation, viii studies carried out by the various organisations on the raw materials of surkhi"lime mortar, namely lime and surkhi, for assessing the requisite quality of the materials for preparation of mortar are described and in the end conclusions have been drawn for the studies. Zn the Chapter 3, methods of preparation of, mortar, the relative merits of the different methods and special characteristics and uses of surkhi-lime mortar are des- cribed. In the Chapter 4, studies carried out by different organicetione on the strength characteristics, i.e, compressive, tensile; and flexural strengths, modulus of elasttcit, shrink-age and permeability characteristics - are discussed, Also, effect of admixtures like calcium chloride, de, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, gypsum, sand and cement, on the strength characteristics of surkhi.lime mortar Is described. in the end, conclusions obtained from . the different studies are listed. Part XI -deals with "Strength Characteristics of Surkhi lime Concrete". In the Chapter 1 of this part, raw materials arequircd for preparation of trkhi-lime concrete, method of preparation and proportioning of concrete and its uses are described. Prom the literature available it was found that studies on the strength characteristics of surkhi-lime concrete have been conducted only by the Central Road Research Institute, Llelhi. The studies carried out by the Institution on the strength characteristics of surkhi-lime concrete are described in Chapter 2. In the end, the conclusions from the studied are discussed...
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Krishna, Hari
Doddiah, D.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (WRDM)

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