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Authors: Shankar, C. M. Shiva
Issue Date: 1971
Abstract: Significant amount of rater In stored in reservoirs is lost due to evaporation. This loss is alarming in arid and semi- arid regions. Experiments aimed at prevention of this loss have indicated that it is practically feasible to reduce this lose con-siderably and economically. . This aspect of reducing the loss is gaining more and more importance with the increase in population, industriol and scientific activities, irrigation facilities and standard of living, etc. Otf the several methods for reducing evaporation, the one in vhich monomolecular layer is made use of is attracting the attention of scientists and engineers in many parts of the vorld due to its effectiveness and being economical. t ost of the cork done for the past 50 years is on this method only. As a result of these experiments, it can be tentatively concluded that it is possible to reduce evaporation losses by about 25P and the method is economical also. Though a number of experiments both in laboratories and in fields have been conducted both in this country and abroad, they are not conclusive to arrive at evolving definite standards for routine field application on large scale. In this acnnantl dissertation, the theoretical aspect of the subject and a review of most of the experiments in India and some experiments abroad are brought out.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Doddiah, D.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (WRDM)

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