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Authors: Vedula, Subbarao V.
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: Between conception and manufacture of an industrial product, many decisions on the design and production have to be taken for which fast data processing and bulk data-storage are essential. Digital computers enable these functions and have rapidly found several applications in the manufacturing industries. Both the design and manufacturing of a product require such functions as calculations, analysis, review, modelling and testing which justify the need of using a computer to perform these functions quickly. Computer-aided design (CAD) and Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technologies were developed and made giant strides of progress in the engineering industries. But the technological trend is growing towards the total integration of design and manufacturing functions and Integrated CAD/CAM Systems are being developed. To exploit the capacity of an existing CAD/CAM system (UNIGRAPHICS II) in integrating the design and manufacturing functions, an industrial' product, ( a Kapin blade) has" been selected to prepare a computer oriented methodology for, the manufacture of it. The work involved geometric modelling of the blade and preparing a numerical control (NC) part program for the machining.of the blade. Geometric modelling prepares a set of data 'to represent the size and shape of a component in computer memory. NC part programming enables to plan sequentially the processing steps and documents the information necessary for operating the NC machine to produce the component. [iv] The .information in the blue prints of the Kaplan blade is comprehended and transferred to the CAD module of the system. Using this information, a surface model is created and stored in thecomputer memory.The CAM module is accessed then,and machining related documentation is done after planning the manufacturing operations. The information obtained in the form of a cutter location file is postprocessed and the final NC program is generated. The system gives an output in the form of an NC tape.This exercise is flexible in that it can be modified to suit the control system, of a wide range of CNC machines for manufaturing the Kaplan blade. The work can be extended further by developing a solid model from the existing surface model' and using it for engineering analysis etc. A knowledge-based expert system may be developed, for the selection of process parameters and preparation of process plans for the manufacture of a family of turbine blades with minimum effort, and interfaced with the existing CAD/CAM system.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Khurana, R. K.
Singh, C. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (MIED)

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