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Authors: Acharya, B. B.
Issue Date: 1980
Abstract: The theory of flo of fluid through porous media is of prime importance in the design, construction and. Operation of hydra-engineering installations. The safety of hydraulic i orks against undermining and uplifting, stabi-lity analysis of slopes and estimation of seepage from irrigation canals and reservoirs are some of the factors which demanded the attention of engineers towards a better understanding of the seepage problems in porous media. With the v =rsatile techniques of Sch-aarz-Christoffel. conformal transformation a number of seepage problems have so far been solved which mostly deal with isotropic media. Since most natural deposits display stratification leading to considerable disparity in average permeability parallel and normal to bedding planes, solutions of seepage consider- ing anisotropic permeability twill be more approachable to reality. This thesis, therefore, presents an analysis for evaluation of quantity of seepage and phreatic lines for a triangular canal in 2. homogeneous anisotropic porous medium of infinite depth. The chapter-i,iise abstract is summarised below. Chapter 1 gives a concise description of the -work undertaken in the thesis followed by Chapter 2 where litera-tures pertaining to solutions of seepage flow from canals have been briefly reviewed. vii Chapter 3 outlines the Darcy's law in anisotropic media bringing in detail, the process of transformation of the flow domain from anisotropic medium to fictitious iso-tropic medium for the purpose of analysis. The cases of anisotropy for which the seepage from triangular canal has been solved in this volume are listed here. The problem is analysed in Chapter 4 followed by results and discussion in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6, the present analysis is extended for getting solutions to phreatic surfaces in a zoned embankment suction...
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Mishra, G. C.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (WRDM)

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