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Issue Date: 1990
Abstract: In this study, the existing criteria for kinematic wave modelling of overland flow problem are critically reviewed. It is seen that these criteria have certain deficiencies with regard to the assumptions inherent In their development. ' One of such assumptions used in the development of these criteria is that the overland flow is governed by kinematic wave equation. However, it Is a questionable assumption to be used in the development of the criteria which are meant for checking the applicability of kinematic wave equation for solving a given overland flow problem. Another assumption behind the usage of these criteria is that if the condition evaluated by them at distance L satisfies the kinematic wave application, then overland flow modelling using kinematic wave equation is applicable right from the upstream edge of the overland flow strip. Therefore, the validity of the existing criteria f or determining kinematic wave equation applicability for overland flow modelling needs re-evaluation. An alternative criterion which is devoid of these deficiencies is developed based on the rising hydrograph generated at a unit distance (i.e. at I m. from the upstream edge) of the overland flow strip using the solution of St. Venant's equations. A parameter qe/q of the rising hydrograph, estimated when equilibrium flow is reached, is considered as the parameter to be used in the establishment of kinematic wave criterion, where q is the equilibrium discharge and q Is the kinematic discharge evaluated using equilibrium depth corresponding to that of equilibrium discharge . A total number of 470 runs were made to develop the rising hydrographs due to the solutions of St. Venant equations for different combinations of overland plane parameters - S. the slope; Manning's roughness coefficient, n; and the continuous rainfall of uniform intensity 1e . All the 470 values of qe/q are related to S, n and 1e by a, regression relationship o and the following form of relationship is established:
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Mathur, B. S.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Hydrology)

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