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Authors: Dhirajkumar, Shah Viral
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: The dissertation is aimed to develop I&C system for hydro turbine model test laboratory following IEC-60193. It covers the turbine model testing laboratory set up for determining efficiency of the model. Necessary parameters of interest related to turbine testing & their measurements are discussed in detail to design suitable I&C system. Since, networking of the field device is crucial part of the implementation; a survey has been made among the fieldbus-FF, Profibus and non fieldbus family-Modbus, HART. From the fieldbus family, FF is taken in to consideration for implementation owing to its advantages-mainly interoperability and reliability over other popular automation protocols. Fundamentals of FF are also discussed in detail with respect to OSI layer. The idea of FF based full scale I&C system is proposed along with its components details. For the real time demonstration an experimental system equivalent to full scale one is implemented. To design the control strategy effectively, smart field devices are configured with function blocks mainly- Analog Input, PID and Analog Output. These function blocks are discussed thoroughly with their parameters and example. OPC basics are explored to establish communication between work station and field level network. Advantages of using OPC are elucidated in depth with the help of case study. Corresponding to each strategy GUI has been developed having various functionalities to ensure user friendly & smooth handling of the system. Various experimentations are performed on pilot I&C system & results are obtained via GUIs, which in turn can be used for further analysis.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Verma, H. K.
Dewal, M. L.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Electrical Engg)

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