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Authors: Gupta, Ranjeet Sen
Issue Date: 1986
Abstract: Conventionally, customer gives the specifications of . the required product, which, in this case, is an extruded circular rod. A model is proposed to select the work material to satisfy the product as well as customer's requirement and accordingly the die-material and die design data.. A comprehensive data-bank has been developed to study the controlling process parameters to facilitate an easy selection of work material, die material and the complete process design data. In order to develop the extrusion die design data, different extrusion theories have been reviewed to identify the die design controlling parameters. A formula given by Lambert and Kobayashi based on realistic admissible velocity field theory has been used to develop design data. A computer program has been developed, in 'FORTRAN-IV', to determine the geometrical parameters of the circular die, necessary to withstand the stresses developed in the die wall during the extrusion process. The developed software has the capability to uptodate for sections other than the circular one in terms of factor of safety.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Jain, S. C.
Dalela, S.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (MIED)

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