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Authors: Mathur, Akhilesh
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: Distribution systems are critical links between the utility and the consumer, in which sectionalizing switches are used for both protection and configuration management. Optimal switch placement strategy helps in reconfiguration of network. Network Reconfiguration is done by changing the status of existing sectionalizing switches and ties in the network to reduce the total system power losses. The radial network obtained after reconfiguration is always the minimum loss configuration of the network. Network configuration also improves the reliability of power supply and enables load transfer from heavily to weakly loaded regions according to the variations of consumer demands. Optimal placement of Distributed Generation (DG) units in the distribution systems reduces the energy losses, improves the voltage profile, releases the transmission capacity, decreases equipment stress, and improves the System reliability. Optimal placement of Distributed Generation Unit is extremely important for improving the system performance and its efficiency. The proper allocation of Distribution Generation units in distribution systems plays an important role for achieving economical, technical, and qualitative benefits. Many techniques have been developed by researchers to solve the problem of Distribution Generation unit placement in Distribution system. Sensitivity analysis is one of the criteria to select the appropriate buses for DG placement. In this thesis work two different schemes of Network reconfiguration with connecting DG are described and compared. The procedure for DG sizing and siting along with minimum loss configuration is discussed. The load flow method of weakly meshed system is described as it requires in the network reconfiguration procedure. The Loss Sensitivity factor is formulated for finding out the optimal location of DG. Procedure for placement of multiple DGs in the network to improve the voltage profile of the system is also discussed in the result section of this report.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Pant, Vinay
Das, Biswarup
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Electrical Engg)

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