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Authors: Verma, Satish Kumar
Issue Date: 1983
Abstract: Change is one of the most basic characteristics of our environment, The same region may not exist as either 40.a or land, but may continuously change its physiography/envi-ronment in course of time: sometimes changes in natural resources like,,,water bodies; forest] soil etc. may be so rapid with respect to time that their effect on the environ-ment is significant e.g, change of river courses, rise and fall'of lake levels, weather conditions, soil erosions and depositions, deforestation and grading of grass lands etc. For evaluating changes in environment conditions1 upto date and accurate small scale land use maps (1:250,000 and smaller) are a necessity. Landsat imagery has been a valuable and productive source of remotely sensed data about earth resources due to broad synoptic coverage, low cost and availability' in multiband and multidite aspects while the conventional methods are costly and time—consuming. Visual interpretation methods have been used in this study, taking tone, and texvare as the main clue.. Area lying in North-Western U.P. state have been selected as the study area, to prepare the land use maps from ae.iial photographs and landsat imageries to evaluate the change in environment conditions, if any. Squere grid sheet has been used to compute the area of each landuse category., as use of planimeter was not feasible. S. Maximum change of about 345 percent has been found in forest areas while urban areas were found with minimum ehatge of 02 percent; It was not possible to compute annual percentage of change in landuse categories as the landsat imageries of the subsequent years and same season could not be obtained: The whole work done on mostly landsat imagery has been compiled in /?rious chapters as follows: Chapter one deals with introduction of environment. Chapter two deals with concept of environment and methods of data collection. Chapter three deals with interpretation methods, as most of the interpretation work in the present study was carried out by visual method, so only this method is explained in detail. Chapter four deals with the analysis of the study area Chapter six deals with the conclusion •drawn from results and suggestions for future work.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Garg, P. K.
Sharma, K. P.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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