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Authors: Chauan, Ajay
Issue Date: 1982
Abstract: Povozr ccin cod noIno po .'on cnco o f S" fromto f emplLfiOZC ao otuiod ate In apt. Iolo oopu10 thioh 10 Doro fpo r r nt than nco' too for 1017 p0170? ( ifl t►p1$Sao2] to do oribc• %o couS oO nc tobin a 'cc 3 Povor ao$no Cci U031 Oci afro fi urov and noioo necauro. Optinioatlon for only ono oipcOt toy not bo ostiofco'i rr in o nc oxt of tho othor copoot. 100outooppsot h for bo1vij thinn p80blc : va.1vCO fir, lottij po't7o1? coin CD 17011 CO fo$oo fICU ro £10100 D ocOU so OD DoUZOO c!DittoflCO plc . %L0 toohniquo 10 dcooaibod in dotai1. S tto ¢5 pa c otoEo of # o t 27110tDr ama U004 to + ooi.Qo► tho ncy bcad r tri10 bon6. c plifi000. ' Qoz3puto? p zo gry s aro doVolop od for both typ+c of mpl ifio o. Ut tk tho hoip of th000 cocip itos' prO[;rc D "ho loci n i,000cci It o oyt~Unatio r1 o?v cwt tho rc0 I EII ftOUIUC:0 of hit cud trial approach (oapoclaUywith poton cUt umtcblo t totoiv) aro avo ed,
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Jain, B. C.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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