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dc.contributor.authorPalaniswamy, S. P.-
dc.guideJain, O. P.-
dc.description.abstractThree different types of shear connectors were used in all the eleven push out specimens in order to study their behaviour, ultimate shear capacity and a comparative picture of performance of these connectors. The novel feature of the tests is the use of double ended push out specimens in order that the separation of slab from the steel beam flange is allowed freely as against that of single ended push out specimens in which the loading condi~. tions are such as not to allow the separation of the two elements. Six simply supported composite T beams and two continuous T beams were tested in order to determine the behaviour under static load in all the stages upto ultimate load. It has been observed that both the elements behave as a single unit at all stages of loading provided they are suitably connected along the interface by means of shear connectors. It has been also observed that the beams with the flexible connectors behave exactly the same as that of beams provided with rigid connectors. Test results indicate that the calculation of ultimate moment of resis-taros as recommended by CP-ll7..part 1, 1965 is more conser- vative than the ACt. ASCE joint Committee recommendations. Bond is highly imroved by the provision of the shear connec-tors as seen from the test results. Two continuous composite beams wore► tested in order to study the offset of continuity. Results ob. tamed from tests indicate that the conventional plastic method of analysis holds good for composite beams. One bean was tested to induce the sagging moment hinge first and then study the behaviour of that hinge until, the hog-Bing moment hinge was formed . The other beam was tested by applying equal loads on both the spans simultaneously, Test results indicate that they are in substantial agree -went with the values got by plastic method of analysis.en_US
dc.subjectSTATIC LOADen_US
dc.typeM.Tech Dessertationen_US
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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