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Authors: Juyal, Rajendra Vikram
Issue Date: 1966
Abstract: . Q tYJC3CCr.0 ant vracno tZ33 1CGOO Ccct tho coot o2 i0 c=mcd :-u to a grcz ozztcat V oc' i u cocc cme .t to gcicr11y tho cctco to amt c c inclo p o hcccor It 1c poc •c±.b1o. cnc b1?cmoi it oQ of thoo pucuuVaco cra Into vrs?io 13 mac.A o colic, Thic brAc1inçy cc bo co c rioro b1fur atiorc or a tr u cc.,. Sa tbo co o£ o thrcznit - . .t. Thoro croMO rcticari pc cc 2oz tho cmiçyn o ~ to jcticrn rnI .ocic bcwo to be ccccm,..chc G ii c c, A rac Ccl of j. o po c 4 tA rcc ttc off.' t1 o - tc cis of ttto fl ançjo p o3 cat in mt is €^c i o1 cuitci iy cl a of 1pticz l be z kiry goc of an c 2. o 15 r.:o&1 io 1a c~c~a Aa c70 l, is tC 1 in r t d tun ol.. Tho 2ai1c:-3 v C3gafic arc inVc3:iç3Qtcd" ¶LO lattO Z O thO bczO4coc cam£ Scic*t tiith niao r s ' c ac!n!r o f22c, c I taio pzcornaro iC ib do t cicag tho cc lcac"a 02 the vtac AL' io i trn Gco CovCiL o."~.."'" t Z c €2o$+ 1 nu ib =,, mac rar2o= co we ol foir tbo o o c Ling ccn i"Oa 3o ,its V1a in , t io parr... £tl c7içj cn i c X.. tlw oo pig f1ciinv .a +cam..- ait , 1? c o
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Rao, P. V.
Misra, H. C.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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