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Authors: Tamhankar, Mohan Gopal
Tamhankar, Mohan Gopal
Issue Date: 1964
Abstract: The thesis reports t io methods for analysing prestressed cylindrical sholl read prisrnatio folded plates. There has boon a great need for design procedures oriented towards oconooy, he, nothod presented In the thesis rb1cb is an onteaaton of the AISSC,C 31 nothod dtccnsoos3 critically the nagrzituth3 of the optiour value of the prootroenin force from various angles each ns; the economics of the scheme, variation of transverse moments in the shell level of neutral axis in the crosn-seotion of the shell, nature and ma nitudo of the longitudinal strops at the bottom fibre of the edge be ow, doIlooti on of the Junction bott700n the shell and the edge beam eto ?o bring out the rierits and demerits of the proposed w method, some of the existing typical methods of designing prostressed cylindrical aholls are ozplainod and ozaminod critically. The oothodm for discussion are solootod arms the survey carried oat of the ozi oting literature on prdstrosoad shells to the introdaotion The oarqiari sort of the various aotbotlo in nado in the light cif a solved numerical oxoplo rihiob has been oo chosen as to roprosont a practical. oonaroto probloc . An approach bused on 'the Reinforced Prectreasod Concrete Theory' is eu, aootod for tho deal. ;n of longitudinal ciSld otool reinforocment in the odro born. Au investigation into the behaviour of a concrete model of prismatic ebefl subjected to the preotroesing :Corso of varying magnitude wa conducted the remits of which are reported in a qualitative way. A method for auualysLng prestressed prismatic folded ' plates is â–ºrosauted by introdnoing conoopts of 'No Deflection' and 'No Tonsion' in the design. 'The thesis oonoludes with a note on the reoom iondations and general guiding rnles for the design; engaged In this field of struotures. .
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Arya, A. S.
Arya, A. S.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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