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Authors: Addison, Kofi Mensah
Issue Date: 1960
Abstract: Ito 6cctc thno prosontod horoq dodo 4th tho do o1c c nta co for riodo in the do oit of op m chonno. trc i c Ittono0 •Gaut` oron of 4a ror o c cc trotod an cu critical .ov, is eery irrgoton and other chc tno10 ur a .' flo r undo r vuborItac . conditcias orori eel flea is roLo .y pomittod in open oricnnai t oition o it mad load to lorgor losoos and p000ibiity of unstable eoflitionc0 in the viwrrt ,c l 1oi, soh of t o tart 'has been dovotod to divergent f.otj or øcndcn flaw Qs that hoc core di f1cu1t , pioash than the ernvorgin or contreotod .otr, .o a convoriing t ov n.ay be con aido d to ber?ototiona1 end es ioh ie1ot3 of fiotr can bo done with t o help of o flon not0 Some ocrincntciL EErltvas co iod out on ti► o enoion trcneitincp one strai t end the other h orbolic the latter being the one roccwcfldod by Sri 1. C Uitro p to verify the otficicney of the to in a funa nth horizontc bed 1ovo10 The rots obtaiflod ore conporod nth Aso of of c pb p t trancitin p the o o colt on t 3ich VOC t, C3 carried out*
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Singh, Bharat
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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