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Authors: Jayara, Yashveer
Keywords: Urban Sanitation in India;Dehradun City;Municipal Corporation;Solid Waste Plants
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publisher: I I T ROORKEE
Abstract: Urban sanitation in India faces many challenges. Nearly 60 million people in urban areas lack access to improved sanitation arrangements, and more than two-thirds of wastewater is let out untreated into the environment, polluting land and water bodies. To respond to these environmental and public health challenges, urban India needs to address the full cycle of sanitation, i.e. universal access to toilets, with safe collection, conveyance and treatment of human excreta. For a city to be fully functional it is very essential to reuse the effluents as product of our daily life. The present thesis reports the efforts made to overview and prepare city sanitation plan of Dehradun city focusing exclusively on municipal solid waste management, water supply, toilets and sewerage facilities. The work include the study of existing status of sanitation in city, identifies the major bottlenecks in implementing 100% sanitation plan and offer suggestions to improve the overall sanitation. In this dissertation work an attempt has been made to quantifying the sanitation facilities (whether in less or surplus) in Dehradun city for both present and future populations. This dissertation is aimed at to find solutions related to sanitation problems for existing and future population. Beside this, the demand of additional infrastructure and facilities needed in future is estimated. It is done by collecting data through visits to organizations such as Pay Jal Nigam, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Municipal Corporation, Solid waste plants and STP’s including interview from local people. It has been observed that segregation of solid waste, negligence of waste collection workers and inadequate numbers of underground bins and transfer stations are the main issues that need to be addressed for effective solid waste management facilities in the city. As all the surface water sources have been explored, so future water demand can be fulfilled only by constructing more numbers of tube-wells and improving water distribution system. At present there are only 21 public toilets in Dehradun city which are not sufficient for existing population, therefore more numbers of public toilets are suggested in different wards. The improvements in the area of sanitation for Dehradun city considering different parameters of sanitation are suggested such as construction of transfer station, waste to energy plant, public toilets and upgradation in capacity of water distribution system and sewerage network along with their cost estimates
URI: http://localhost:8081/xmlui/handle/123456789/15915
metadata.dc.type: Other
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (HRED)

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