Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://localhost:8081/jspui/handle/123456789/15884
Authors: Khaitova, Nargiza
Keywords: City Core;Traditional architecture;Revitalization;Adapting to the Natural Environment
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publisher: I I T ROORKEE
Abstract: The Old City Core is a historic core, the place where the city originates. With time City Cores become misfit to the old city because of increasing of population or changing functions, scale and they are unable to provide modern living standards. Most of the cores are full of buildings and structures of cultural and historical value. In the face of intense urbanization, the core of the city faces the threat of negligence. The problems of various levels of conservation and redevelopment make the situation more complicated. The City Core of Tashkent is more than 2,200 years old. It is till now strong commercial and tourist artery of the city. In recent years, the architecture of Tashkent, in particular, its central part has changed considerably. New complexes and ensembles have been built in accordance with the master plan for the development of the city and its Core area. The ongoing work on the Old City Core project shows that despite the presence of a common compositional idea and a specific solution of its individual sections, many problems of planning and building require scientific development approach and creative research. The ongoing project is working against the spirit of the place and leading to the destruction of architectural character. The projects suggested by international specialists going to be placed within Old City Core with totally demolishing the local unique low-rise structures and replacing them by high-rise structures, against the will of the local population. Transformation in finishing materials, form, patterns of buildings leading toward changes in architecture. When analyzing urban development and planning in Tashkent, two elements must be considered: its history and its diversity of landscapes and climate. The traditional architecture of the area is one of the most important segments in the preservation and development of cultural identity. The Old City of Tashkent is full of examples of historical and vernacular structures that provide evidence of buildings as a result of adaptation to the natural environment. iv As part of the traditional architecture research of this region, the analysis is conducted to develop guidelines for the revitalization of cultural heritage structures, traditional settlements – Mahalla and a model for the street Zarkaynar which is passing through Mahalla and connecting the traditional bazaar area with the complex of Islamic culture - Hasti Imam. The revitalization of traditional architecture refers to the opportunities to improve the planning, functional and aesthetic characteristics of buildings and area in the Old City Core. This thesis is trying to solve the main problems and issues of the Old City Core due to unplanned growth and lack of adequate direction for future development. The project takes into account the historical and tourist orientation of the area, as well as culture and lifestyle of the citizens, through a visual overview and discussion with the inhabitants, to understand the history and value of the area for the further design guidelines to make it better and preserve local heritage
URI: http://localhost:8081/xmlui/handle/123456789/15884
metadata.dc.type: Other
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES ( A&P)

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