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Authors: Harde, Sumit Vilas
Keywords: Decentralization;National Planning Scheme;Vidarbha Region;Rich Black Cotton Soil
Issue Date: May-2015
Publisher: IIT ROORKEE
Abstract: In 1992, after incorporation of 73rd and 74th amendment act decentralisation strengthened the national planning scheme The district development planning process is unfortunately mired by political bias and treated as an unnecessary extension of macro level planning. The local authority shall take the responsibility of decentralization of planning by promoting micro level planning with effective mobilisation of land, resources and people by encouraging high level of public participation down to the grass root level. Whereas a rural local body often doesn't have vision, level of expertise or management skill to foster sustainable development. It is proved that to develop a resource-based district plan and policy formulation via extensive study and analysis of the current situation of Bhandara district. Vidarbha region is on the eastern side of Maharashtra which falls in central India. Vidarbha region has a relatively less history of communal tensions in comparison to most of India. It's in northern side of Deccan plateau and considered to be in the seismic zone 1, being safest form earthquake in India. The region is considered to be blessed by rich black cotton soil Strategies For Sustainable Development Of Bhandara District I Sumit Harde 1 I F' a g a and red soil suitable for cash crops like cotton or food grains like rice, even though 70% of all farmer suicides in Maharashtra occur in this region. Among the 12 backward districts of Maharashtra from the bottom 250 backward districts of India's 675 districts as per 2014; are in Vidarbha.
URI: http://localhost:8081/xmlui/handle/123456789/15107
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Shankar, R.
metadata.dc.type: Other
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES ( A&P)

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