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dc.contributor.authorSangar, Ruby-
dc.guideRangnekar, Santosh-
dc.description.abstractTM is considered to be of utmost importance in research studies as well as in organizations all over the world and the practitioners are concerned with identification of those determinants that can help in managing talent in the organization. The present research investigates the Role Satisfaction (RS), Psychological Empowerment (PE) and Talent Management (TM) of executives in select Indian organizations. Also, the study explores the effect of RS as well as PE on TM. The dimensions of RS are achievement, influence, control, affiliation and extension motives. The constructs of PE are meaning, competence, self-determination and impact cognitions. The factors which constitute TM are creativity, team building, entrepreneurship, leadership, learning abilities and inspirational capabilities. The selection of inimitable determinants i.e. RS and PE to determine talent management is the unique contribution of the present research. The said variables have been defined properly and discussed in detail on the basis of the extant literature available. This study has taken a cross-sectional research design and has collected primary data using standardized scales. In totality 417 (junior, middle and senior level) participants responded to the questionnaire and after screening 351 questionnaires with complete data are found appropriate for analysis. The executives from various industries such as power, manufacturing, service and IT (information technology) have been targeted. SPSS 17.0 version is used for data analysis. Data is initially normalized which resulted in 351 samples. Then, factor analysis, reliability and validity analysis are performed. Further, descriptive are calculated, followed by correlation, ANOVA, independent sample t-test and regression analysis in order to test the research hypotheses. The results highlighted that the average RS motive from maximum to minimum of Indian executives is extension, affiliation, achievement, influence and control. Similarly, from maximum to minimum the average PE of executives is competence, meaning, selfdetermination and impact. Likewise for TM, the factors from maximum to minimum are inspirational capabilities, team building, leadership, learning ability, creativity and entrepreneurship. iii Significant variations are discovered in achievement motive across sector; in influence motive across industry and sector; in control motive across industry and sector and in extension motive across experience levels, industry and sector. These differences are also observed in PE cognitions such as in meaning cognition across experience levels; in selfdetermination cognition across sector and in impact cognition across industry, sector, education and experience levels. In the same way, TM factors are found to vary across gender, experience levels, industry and education. Both PE and RS are found to significantly predict TM. Achievement, influence, affiliation and extension motives as well as all the PE cognitions are found to predict TM positively and significantly. The findings of the study are discussed in detail and are backed up by the literature. This discussion, thus helped in forming conclusions, over and above, facilitated in deriving implications. The scope for future research is also elaborated. The present research has considered RS and PE as determinants of TM which have not been considered in any of the earlier studies till present. Therefore, on the basis of mean value researches, this research offers empirical evidence that RS and PE independently explain significant variance in TM.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipIndian Institute of Technology Roorkeeen_US
dc.publisherDept. of Management Studies iit Roorkeeen_US
dc.subjectPractitioners are Concerneden_US
dc.subjectPsychological Empowermenten_US
dc.subjectIndian Organizationsen_US
dc.subjectTalent Managementen_US

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