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Authors: K., Sanjay Krishna
Keywords: Atmospheric Condition;MPPT System;Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) energy;Maximum Power Point (MPP).;Solar Panels;Simulated Incremental Conductance Algorithm;Partial Shading Condition;Open Loop boost converter
Issue Date: May-2016
Publisher: Department of Electrical Engineering,IITR.
Abstract: Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) energy is one of the most prominent energy source as it is clean, pollution free and inexhaustible. However, it is less efficient. In order to improve the efficiency maximum power has to be extracted from them. The solar photovoltaic is having a nonlinear voltage-current characteristic with a distinct Maximum Power Point (MPP). Location of MPP is not known, but can be located either through calculation models or by search algorithms. To obtain maximum power continuously from solar panels, it has to be operated at their MPP irrespective of any changes in the atmospheric conditions & load variations. There are various MPPT tracking methods. So the objective of this thesis is to track the maximum power point and extract the maximum power available across the PV panel with the help of dc-dc converters and give to the load. In this thesis conventional MPPT tracking techniques have been compared. Simulated incremental conductance algorithm which can track MPP under varying irradiance and temperature conditions using boost converter. Conventional Incremental conductance method fails to find the global maximum power when multiple peak powers occur due to partial shading conditions. So a modified incremental conductance algorithm which can track the global maximum peak power from the set of local peaks which occurs during partial shading condition is also simulated. Hardware experimental result is developed for open loop boost converter and analyzed the boost output under different switching frequency.
metadata.dc.type: Other
Appears in Collections:DOCTORAL THESES (Electrical Engg)

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