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Authors: Arun, Ingole Harshal
Keywords: Biodiesel;Reactive distillation column (RD column);reactor;distillation
Issue Date: May-2016
Abstract: Biodiesel is proving to be an excellent alternative for the conventional diesel fuels. The qualities offered by biodiesel such as being non-toxic, renewable and eco-friendly has motivated many researchers to investigate extensively in the biodiesel production related fields. Edible oils as well as non-edible oils are being used for biodiesel production. Amongst non-edible oils, Jatropha Curcas is being looked upon as a promising source for biodiesel production. This is because Jatropha plant doesn’t require fertile lands. They have the ability to grow in a harsh environment. Reaction coupled with distillation in a single vessel is a recent advancement in the biodiesel production. Reactive distillation column (RD column) is the fusion of two major equipment; a reactor and a distillation column. Reactive distillation column has proven to be very effective in terms of energy requirements and operating expenses. The Jatropha oil contains a high percentage of oleic acid and triglycerides. Biodiesel can be produced directly by oleic acid esterification or by triglycerides alcoholysis. This current study focuses on the transesterification of triglycerides from the Jatropha Curcas oil with methanol to produce methyl ester i.e. biodiesel in the reactive distillation column. RADFRAC column from the ASPEN PLUS library has been used for the simulation of the reactive distillation column. Equilibrium stage model has been used for the simulation purpose. The main motive of this work is to study the effect of vital parameters like reflux ratio, condenser pressure, distillate rate etc. on the reactive distillation column performance and suggest the optimum conditions for a reactive distillation column so as to get maximum biodiesel yield
metadata.dc.type: Other
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Chemistry)

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