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Authors: Haque, Mazharul
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: This thesis aims to explore the relationship between architectural design and project management for residential apartment by appropriate intervention through management strategy. This relationship is achieved by survey of residential apartment and case study of various highly invested projects in terms of design aspects. Lots of data has been collected through survey and literature study. It is thought that the data is collected will be useful in the different building phases for future residential apartment. Thesis provides the answer of some questions like, What are the factors which make residential apartment more functionally and economically feasible? What are the various market forces which is essential for architect to understand during the building stage? What are the causes and remedial solution for the time & cost overrun in residential apartment? What are the aspects which help immediately to make decision or cause them to be made? This arrives at the proposition that the architectural features and design of our residential apartment, results in the better environment for customer and profitability to the developer. In the end it proposes some recommendation to Architect, Planner, Developer and Customer for residential apartment by addressing project management issues in design, planning, detailing and execution of building with special emphasis on Real Estate Development, so that better integration between architectural design and management results ambience envir
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Patel, Pradhubhai K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES ( A&P)

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