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Authors: Krishna, Sreepadam Vamsee
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: Self-compacting concrete was first developed in 1988 to achieve durable concrete structures. Since then, various investigations have been carried out and this type of concrete has been used in practical structures in many countries like Japan, U.S.A, and Europe. Investigations for establishing a rational mix design method and self compatibility testing methods have been carried out from the point of making it a standard concrete.. The first usable version of SCC was completed in 1988 and was named "High Performance Concrete", and later proposed as "Self Compacting High Performance Concrete". Development of self-compacting concrete is a very desirable achievement in the construction industry for overcoming problems associated with cast-in-place concrete. Self-compacting concrete is not affected by the skill of workers, and shape and amount of reinforcing bar arrangement of a structure. Due to high fluidity and resisting power of segregation of SCC, it can be pumped longer distances. Self compacting concrete extends the possibility of use of various mineral by-products in its manufacturing. All types of structural construction were possible with this concrete. The use of SCC not only shortens the construction period but also ensures quality and durability of concrete. This non-vibrating concrete allows faster placement and less finishing time leading to improved productivity. Until now date, there is no universally adopted standardized test method for evaluation of Self Compatibility of this concrete. However, there is a need for conducting more research & development work for the measurement and standardization of the methods for the evaluation of the self-compacting characteristics of SCC in pavements In the present study the use of SCC in pavements is discussed in detail using various existing design methods under different loading conditions and compared with that of the experimental results obtained from the tests performed on SCC pavement slabs. From the static tests, the ultimate load carrying capacity of a 100mm thick SCC slab at the Centre, Edge and Corner regions were found to be 196.20 kN, 127.53 kN and 107.91 kN for mix M1 (cement 400 kg/m3,fly ash 160 kg/m3) and 235.44 kN, 147.15 kN and I 27.53kN for mix M2 (cement 440 kg/m3,fly ash 132 kg/m3) respectively. The theoretical values by IRC method are 155.28 kN, 95.114 kN and 90.392kN for mix MI and 174.49 kN, 107.89 kN and 101.25 kN for mix M2.Thus, SCC pavement is proved to be a better alternative for the design of future roads with high intensities of traffic.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Chauhan, M. P. S.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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