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Authors: Kumar, Nand
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: Cities are engines of economic growth. Indian cities are suffering from unplanned economic development due to several factors, In. Indian the city plans are prepared by focusing physical development alone. In this process the other important aspects, such as, social, economic, ecology, environment, infrastructure and institutional are omitted without giving proper importance. As a consequence, the city plans concentrated only on physical aspects of the city development, which caused existing alarming situations in almost all the Indian cities. The sustainable development concept was evolved in the year 1980, and since then the world started to move towards giving importance on resource mobilization, conservation of resources, avoiding over exploitation of scarce resources, etc. in the planning stage itself. Indian city planners also took a note of these events and started to prepare sustainable development plans for the development of the urban system. Sustainable development plan is almost a total development plan, which relies on the key planning tools and techniques, such as, Information, Statistics, Operation Research, System Dynamic, Discounted Cash Flows (DCF) techniques, Decision Support System, etc. which would very much useful for preparing plausible sustainable development plans. In this present investigation, an attempt is made to prepare a plausible sustainable development plan for the wall city area of Jaipur city. At the outset, literature pertaining to sustainable development is collected and reviewed thoroughly, followed by the characteristics of the Jaipur city (Study area) is studied meticulously to understand the existing conditions of the system. Subsequently a household survey was conducted by using a pre-tested schedule and analysed the data thoroughly for understanding urgent conditions of the city. Theoretical models were developed based on System Dynamics Theory and Theory of Hierarchy of Human Needs and discussed in this investigation. The study conclude with a set of plausible . recommendations to achieve sustainable development in the system ( Study area).
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Devadas, V.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES ( A&P)

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