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Authors: Kaur, Jaskirat
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: Humans tend to live in groups since time immemorial. Community life is not a new way of living in the history of human evolution. The size of the group and mode of living depends and are determined by the nature of habits and the capacity of man to organize his common sphere of activities. Humans try to maintain harmony in relation to three elements place, folk and work and attempt for an optimal solution, so that folk and work are organized in place with minimum mutual conflicts. All settlements at the time of their origin were satisfying above conditions but due to some excessive pull and push factors such as faulty planning targets, reaction in the influence zone of the city, individuals preference and changing; government policies force a certain type of development which are not intended during a period a particular time period on a particular plot at a particular rate of growth and in particular type. In a planned city it is intended to create a conducive environment so that basic activities of man such as living, working, recreation and communication may give some sense of pleasure, inspiration, security and satisfaction but it is observed more specifically that the disparities between the rural and the urban areas tend to induce migration and the harmony achieved in urban areas is lost. The continued disparities between the have and have not groups of the society, forced the migrants and poor to set up their own shelters in open public land. Thus they suffer not only from substandard habitat but are also subjected to repressive action. Urban sprawl is characterized as the low density, suburban and exurban style development patterns that have emerged as the dominant mode of growth in the major cities over the last several decades.' Sprawl has evolved into one of the most vexing problems encountered by contemporary urban and regional policy. Via a recurring cycle, metropolitan areas continue to spread outward, spurred forward by the autonomy of local governments and their land use regulations.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Jain, R. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES ( A&P)

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