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Authors: Verma, Ravi Rai
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: India is undergoing a radical urban transition. During the last century urban population of India increased ten folds from 27 million in 1901 to 285 million in 2001. While, the total population of the country in 1901 was only 238 million. In 2001 urban population of India was 27.8% of the total population. Nearly 50% of India is likely to be urban in 2050 AD. The Indian cities act as engines of national growth and account for 55% of National Domestic Product (NDP). Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata contribute about 80% of India's GDP and 60% of its value added manufacturing. In recent time, cities have become the nodes of economic growth, mobilisation and consumption. The sustainability of the Indian cities is hampered by several factors, such as, inadequacy of the capital stock (land, water supply, sanitation, mass transport and housing), poverty and environment degradation. Rajasthan with its 34.2 Million sq. Km of area (largest state of India, nearly 10.43%) has acute shortage of housing. About 2/3rd of the land area is covered by Thar Desert. The economy of state is highly dependent on behaviour of monsoon. Water is one of the most critical inputs for development and state has barely 1% of the country's water resources. Rich cultural heritage and tradition of Rajasthan attracts tourists from every part of globe. Almost all urban areas of state are experiencing the phase of unplanned and haphazard growth. Slums, poverty, unhygienic living conditions and illiteracy are the major hurdles in development.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Chandra, Rajesh
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES ( A&P)

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