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Authors: Kumar, Akhilesh
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: Water is vital for life .Life can not exist without a dependable supply of water of suitable quality. The quality of water can be negatively influenced by natural phenomena, but the main reason for impaired water quality is contamination caused by human activities. Oxygen-Demanding substances are major contaminants in domestic and municipal wastewater. BOD and DO is the main indicator of river pollution. In India majority of river are polluted. It is essential to look for the real time monitoring and forecasting of water pollution in the downstream of any reach. For this Water quality simulation models can be appropriately used to determine the cause-effect relationship between sources of pollution and the observed quality of water in natural water body. Decision support tools are used for water quality management of a polluted stream with different scenarios. A Decision Support System (DSS) is an integrated, interactive computer system, consisting of analytical tools and information management capabilities, designed to aid decision makers in solving relatively large, unstructured water resource management problems. With the help of Decision Support System one can find out the computed BOD and DO of a river reach by using different models and take decision which model is suitable for that river reach for forcasting of BOD and DO of the river reach. User can see the output data in the graphical form and also know the correlation coefficient. With the help of DSS one can find out the non-point pollution sources.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Ojha, C. S. P.
Jha, Ramakar
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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