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Authors: Kumar, Suman
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: There exists an incessant interaction between man and the environment. In this process of interaction, man has been altering nature through his activities. Factors like population explosion, technical knowhow and changing social and cultural behavior has led to massive increase in the scale of consumption of the natural resources. This in turn is creating disturbance in the equilibrium of the ecosystem. If this rate of consumption of natural resources surpasses its rate of natural regeneration, the system is likely to collapse much before than it would in its natural cycle. The above mentioned issue is even more severe in the case of ecologically sensitive areas like the Garhwal Himalayas. These areas have abundant natural resources but are inherently very fragile ecologically. Exploitation of resources in these areas in an uncontrolled manner is certain to have profound negative impact on the environment. In order to minimize the same, the approach of development has to be sustainable. The Alaknanda River and its tributaries comprises of a complex ecosystem. Natural resource is abundant in this region. It provides us with perennial water resource, power, fishes, sand, medicinal herbs and so on. This ecosystem also acts as a habitat for a large number and kind of flora and fauna. In the process of development, man has landed up in abusing these resources. The various issues with regard to the same are uncontrolled encroachment in the river bed; rapid population growth and decreasing waste assimilation capacity leading to pollution and health hazards; changing social and cultural values leading to inclination towards urban life which in turn is responsible for increasing migration; dense allocation of hydro power projects which directly affects the river flow as well as the land cover surrounding it; construction of roads across the contours leading to massive soil erosion and triggering landslide in the fragile mountains; massive blasting for road construction and other structures; deposition of sediments in the river bed and so on. Deposition of sediments on the river bed reduces the capacity of hydroelectric projects, decreases irrigation potential, aggravates floods and at times also changes the course of river in the Shivalik Ranges. The above issues can be minimized or resolved only if a sustainable approach towards planning and development is made.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES ( A&P)

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