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Authors: Koul, Neha
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The research when initially conceptualized bore a theme of �â� � Space-Sense-Chai�â� � . Clearly symbolic of the informal spaces on a campus, the research aimed at using activity based placemaking as a tool to generate a sense of space within these places. However, engagement with the chair of knowledge architecture added knowledge as another dimension to the research. The idea of informal spaces matured into the idea of informal learning spaces as the research also tries to throw light on the role of informal spaces in formal education. The significance of the research becomes all the more as the countries of the world today are talking in terms of knowledge economy and urbanism. The findings of the research would facilitate an integrated campus development besides also providing an implementable scale for conducting controlled experiments to realize the utopian idea of a knowledge city. Purpose A huge proportion of economic investments and savings of every domestic household is earmarked for education which is facilitated by educational campuses. However off late many drastic and degrading trends are being witnessed in these campuses with reference to quality of space and engagement in space. The student interactive spaces are considered the most stimulating spaces were several meaningful deliberations of a campus life emanate from the spaces that connect sense over a cup of tea. Rising absenteeism and increased presence on social networking platforms are suggestive of the fact that our educational campuses are losing their spatial and architectural character. While there is a dearth of relevant literature on campus planning in general, the role of informal spaces in particular has not been given much thought. Most of the efforts and investments in campus planning are directed towards creating buildings. As a result educational campuses are increasingly transforming into concrete wastelands, sometimes of spectacular impersonality, but no environment to foster intellectual creativity. In terms of pedagogy, a lot of focus in Indian educational system is being given to knowledge diffusion and replication, as a result even premier institutes like IIT�â� � s are not having a significant contribution towards research and innovation. The image of educational campuses as centers for knowledge creation is hence collapsing.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Raheja, Gaurav
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES ( A&P)

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