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Authors: Kumar, Anil
Issue Date: 1988
Abstract: Goal pr*rsmming, Which Is a special extension Of Linear programming,, Is ebl. of s aL ving decisionproblem with s i '. a or mul tipl a goals (might be conflicting goals) . In goal programming we establish a hi.rerchty Of prloritits em a the conf cti g goals $ o that lower order goals are considered only after, the higher order goals are satisfied or have reached a point beyond which no further Improvements era possible. Goal programing is having wide ranging appUations In Enter/w*ter res pec,* diet planning# Hospital administration# Maur plennthg, crop planning etc. etc. In the present study, goal programming is used to i t a polity for the optimal use of land and water res ou 'ces resulting in maximizing net profit satisfying production requirement of the projected population for the year 1 the study area* The planning Is done to meet the food 1 ►utr' .' 3.oe t requirement of the local p ~!pul ati on. The optimal allocation Of land and water for the sixteen major crops have been determined. The constraints Include water and land, ammcunt of cereals and pulses* minimi and maximum area under each crop etc. Results have been interpreted, suitable conclusian have also been drawn and some suggestions for other war have also been given.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Prasad, R.
Kumar, S.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Electrical Engg)

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