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Authors: Saxena, Ajay Kumar
Issue Date: 1979
Abstract: Electronics is fast appearing every field of engineering, and in fact of the human life. Testing of integrating meters (energy meters) has also not been left untouched by electronics. Considerable work has been dovL by researchers in electronic testing of integrating meters, and to some extent the same has been adopted by the manu-f'aeturere. The work done so far has been reviewed here critically. To bring out clearly the advantages and limi-tations of electronic testing methods an also computer testing, an account of the conventional methods has also been included. A testing scheme using digital electronic circuits and another one based on the use of a microprocessor has been developed by the author and successfully used for testing induction type energy meters. Principles of these schemes, as also the details of the hardware and software (for the latter scheme only) are presented here• Conclu-sione on the work done have been drawn and some euggeatione for future work have been given at the end.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Verma, H. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Electrical Engg)

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