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Authors: Srinivas, K.
Issue Date: 1976
Abstract: The work presented in the dissertation deals with two optimal loadflow formulations using Mathematical program mming. The generalised augumented penalty function method is applied to the optimal loadflow problem,. This method has the advantage of overcomingg some difficulties encountered in earlier penalty function methods as the number of Rrbitrary factors , used in method are reduced, The diffi culties due to i .l conditioning of the Hessian matrix and due to the improper choice of penalty factors are avoided. At the same time the method ro tains other attractive feature s of unconstrained minimization. Also there is no need for maintaining feasibility of solution as optimization proceeds. In this method the inequality constraints are converted into equality constraints and included in the objective function by transforming them into a moving loss function thus maintaining continuity of the gradient of the function with respec t to the variables. The Lagragian multipliers are corrected by a step of unconstrained maximization which followsthe primal minimization. The minimization and maid.• mization methods used are Fletcher's unconstrained method and the gradient technique respectively.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Sharma, J. D.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Electrical Engg)

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