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Authors: Choudhary, A. K.
Issue Date: 1969
Abstract: Zn this dissertation a do ailod investigation for bract and rovercing of a si. Io.phase Ooacitor motor under various onditions of its a tern l .circuit has boon described. 'dour dirferont ba1n c ao o eve boon . calm into considera. tion and tbr each echeino, under different : pvd t D4`is, till a )or., of sin orp azo motor have been critically oxatneCL, In schomo o I t the auxiliary wind.tng is short«eircuit,od throujh an external 3 podoo a tnd sown different eases for arious conbinatioris of this impdanet, are analysed. In e4mø Ii i, the auxiliary is diroctly shorti.cirauited and extern i aiedence htcti is a so ies coab ri tion of roststa ce and caps., is introdUood In the main ,iniLinZ. Scheme III is slightly different from 11, in so micb so tat tho auniU ry t1nc1ing is kept open iiEtoad of bøin3 c: o yod as in the i ttor« Scheme III a pz'iaos o.' shtttin the capacitor from the ariliay windingto the L ~in iindizig. For the Pros' of 3ompiztation of perforcienco chemo• tor. tion, a si, to-phAse capacitor rotor is consWdorod sn2 its parameters are r oos:zred oxporit nta ly, Portoruunco calculations ar prevented for varioi oases er different schoinec, Tho normal oharactoriatios of sthgle p2ase *a acito a motor are, also inoladed for comparison.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Jain, S. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Electrical Engg)

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