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Authors: Golla, Anil Kumar
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: Mobile Ad-hoc networks are dynamic in nature. The protocols for the MANET's are either proactive and reactive. In the proactive routing focus is particularly on Optimized Link state routing (OLSR) which is widely adopted in Mobile Ad-hoc networks. The Optimized Link State routing protocols produce high routing control overhead. An OLSR based Interval Adaptive Routing with efficient MPRs to minimize control overhead is developed for the mobile Ad-hoc network to minimize the routing overhead by adaptively maximizing the control message broadcasting interval while satisfying its local mobility. The Optimized Link State Routing protocol (OLSR) uses special nodes called Multipoint Relay (MPR) nodes to broadcast control messages within the network. These Multipoint Relay (MPR) nodes act as anchor nodes which diffuse effectively the control messages over the Mobile Ad-hoc Network. If the neighbors of the node in the Mobile Ad-hoc Network change a little then the rate at which control(Hello) packets are diffused via network is reduced there by reducing the control over head. Multipoint relays offer an optimized way of flooding packets in a radio network. However, this technique requires the last hop knowledge to decide whether or not a flooding packet is retransmitted, a node needs to know from which node the packet was received. An algorithm for computing an optimized connected dominating set multipoint relays , OLSR based Interval adaptive routing protocol which reduce the control overhead and the end to end delays are developed. The performance is evaluated by simulation in NS2 and the working of the protocol is compared with routing protocol techniques such as OLSR and AODV. Thus it is showed that the algorithm simulation demonstrate that OLSR based Interval Adaptive Routing with efficient MPRs to minimize control overhead effectively reduces the routing overhead and gains a better performance.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Sarje, A. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (E & C)

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