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Authors: Yerajana, Rambabu
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networking is rapidly gaining popularity due to the proliferation of miniature yet powerful mobile computing devices. Mobile ad hoc networks do not require any form of fixed infrastructure for hosts to be able to communicate with one another. A source node that needs to communicate with a destination node uses either a direct link or a multihop route to reach the latter. This requires that all nodes must have some basic routing capability to ensure that packets are delivered to their respective destinations. Since nodes may move anytime, then the topology of the network may also change anytime. A major challenge in mobile ad hoc networking is how to maximize data packet delivery in the face of rapidly changing network topology without incurring a large routing overhead. In this dissertation, a routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks has been proposed. The proposed protocol is based on Dynamic Source Routing Protocol. Mobile Ad hoc networks with nodes having different processing powers and thus can perform extensive computations apart from forwarding packets for other nodes. These nodes will also have various degrees of battery powers as well. Due to the heterogeneity of the systems in terms of processing and battery powers, naturally, there will be load imbalance. If the workload is distributed among the nodes in the. system based on the resources of individual nodes, the average execution time can be minimized and the lifetime of the nodes can be maximized. Our proposed protocol uses congestion status and distributes the load according to the congestion status of the path. Simulation results shows that our proposed routing protocol gives better performance than DSR and AODV in terms of end-end-delay and throughputs Im
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Sarje, A. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (E & C)

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