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Authors: Mohanty, Bhakta Ranjan
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: This study deals with the 'combined u-se of optimization and simulation models in planning, design- and operation -of a water resources system. The multipurpose Upper Indtavati Reservoir Project has been taken as the focus system. The reservoir has a gross capacity of 2300.0 Mm3, out of which dead storage capacity is 814.5° Mm3. This is a multipurpose project involving the trans-basin diversion of water of Godavari basin to Mahanadi basin for power generation (installed power plant capacity being 600 MW) and consequent -irrigation (for 1, 2-8,.000 ha of CCA) A linear programming model was used to find out a policy for the optimal use of land and water resources resulting in maximizing the net return and in meeting food requirements of the growing population by the year 2000 A.D. in the study area. Annual & monthly irrigation requirements for all optimal cropping patterns have also been computed. Using the monthly irrigation demands obtained from LP model for the best optimal crop-plan, the dynamic programming model was run to maximize hydro-power generation through optimum operation of the reservoir. The DP model specified average monthly and annual energy generation. For operation of the system, a rule curve was developed using results of DP model. The annual irrigation and energy generation performance obtained from LP and DP models were further modified and refined by simulation, so that 750 dependability for irrigation and 90% dependability for energy were achieved.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Jain, S. K.
Singh, Ranvir
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Hydrology)

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