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Authors: S., Udagiri Santosh
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: In recent years, the strong demand for higher performance structures has driven a new development of smart materials and structures. Piezolaminated smart structures composed of passive elastic materials and active piezoelectric materials have been recently developed, which seem to be very promising in a variety of engineering application. A finite element model of piezolaminated composite curved beam based on Timoshenko beam model and linear piezoelectric theory is presented. Finite element has three mechanical degree of freedom (u0, wo, By) per node and one electrical degree of freedom per piezoelectric layer. Finite element has n-host structure layer and two piezoelectric layers. In deriving the finite element model of piezolaminated curved beam first displacement equation is given followed by strain displacement relationship, constitutive equation of piezoelectric, force and bending moment relation, strain energy equation, electrical energy equation, work done by external forces and electrical charges, kinetic energy equation. Governing equations are derived using Hamilton's principle Constant gain negative velocity feedback controller is used for vibration control. A neuro-controll also has been developed for controlling linear and non-linear structure. A code is developed in MATLAB for making numerical studies. Code is validated for static and dynamic analysis with the available literature. Numerical studies is carried out in the reference of layered curved beam for the effect of radius of curvature on tip deflection, shape control, effect of actuator coverage area on tip deflection, active vibration control and application of neuro-controller on non-linear structure/plant. Finally, it is observed that piezoelectric actuators can be used to control the shape of curved beam and a combination of sensor-actuator of controller can be used to control the vibration.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Jain, S. C.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (MIED)

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